# Latest news【最新消息】

# 2024 Mar 17【2024年3月17日】

This is the first release of Apache Hadoop 3.4 line. It contains 2888 bug fixes, improvements and enhancements since 3.3.

Users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes (opens new window). For details of please check release notes (opens new window) and changelog (opens new window).

  • 第1句话:这是Apache Hadoop 3.4系列的第一个版本。
  • 第2句话:它包含自3.3以来的2888个错误修复、改进和增强。
  • 第3句话:鼓励用户阅读主要变化的概述。
  • 第4句话:有关的详细信息,请查看发布说明和更改日志。
  • 第3句
English Chinese
Users 用户 / 用户信息 / 用户数 / 用户文件 / 受限用户
Encouraged 鼓励 / 支持 / 促进 / 激励 / 刺激 / 助长 / 怂恿 / 鼓动 / 劝告 (encourage的过去分词和过去式)
Overview 概述 / 概况 / 纵览 / 概论
Major 专业 / 少校 / 大联盟 / 专业课 / 主修课程 / 主修学生 / 主要的 / 重要的 / 大的 / 严重 / 主修的 / 大调的 / 主修 / 专攻
Changes 变化 / 改变 / 使不同 / 变换,改换,变成 / 变更 / 变革 / 更换 / 替代 / 替代物 (change的第三人称单数和复数)
  • 第4句
English Chinese
Details 详情 / 资料 / 消息 / 具体情况 / 全部细节 / 琐事 / 细微之处 / 枝节 / 详细说明 / 详述 / 派遣 / 详细列举 / 选派 / 彻底清洗 / 分遣 (detail的第三人称单数和复数)
Please 请 / 请问 / 请千万 / 请务必 / 的确 / 太感谢了 / 太好了 / 得了吧 / 算了吧 / 别闹了 / 收敛点儿 (常用在as或what、where等词后) / 想,选择,喜欢 / 使满意 / 使愉快
Check 检查 / 控制 / 查看 / 检验 / 核查 / 核实 / 审查 / 托运 / 阻止 / 查明 / 抑制 / 克制,抑制 / 存放 / 弄确实 / 检查,查看 / 规定,条令,约束 / 调查 / 方格图案,方格,格子 / 寄存处,存放处 / 被将军的局面 / 存物牌,存放证 / 阻碍进程的事物 / 阻止恶化的事物 / 行已经办好
Release 释放 / 松开 / 免除,解除 / 公开 / 放出 / 开放 / 放开 / 发泄 / 放走 / 宣泄 / 使自由移动 / 使不紧张 / 发布 / 发行 / 排放 / 获释 / 解脱 / 新激光唱片,新电影 / 新发行的东西
Notes 注释 / 记录 / 笔记 / 便条 / 批注 / 短笺 / 按语 / 注意 / 指出 / 留意 / 特别提到 (note的第三人称单数和复数)

# 2023 Jun 23【2023年6月23日】

Release 3.3.6 available (opens new window)版本3.3.6可用

This is a release of Apache Hadoop 3.3 line.

这是Apache Hadoop 3.3系列的一个版本。

It contains 117 bug fixes, improvements and enhancements since 3.3.5. Users of Apache Hadoop 3.3.5 and earlier should upgrade to this release.

自3.3.5以来,它包含117个错误修复、改进和增强。Apache Hadoop 3.3.5及更早版本的用户应升级到此版本

Feature highlights:


# SBOM artifacts

Starting from this release, Hadoop publishes Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) using CycloneDX Maven plugin. For more information on SBOM, please go to SBOM (opens new window).

从这个版本开始,Hadoop使用CycloneDX Maven插件发布软件物料清单(SBOM)。有关SBOM的更多信息,请访问SBOM

# HDFS RBF: RDBMS based token storage support

HDFS Router-Router Based Federation now supports storing delegation tokens on MySQL, HADOOP-18535 (opens new window) which improves token operation through over the original Zookeeper-based implementation.


# New File System APIs

HADOOP-18671 (opens new window) moved a number of HDFS-specific APIs to Hadoop Common to make it possible for certain applications that depend on HDFS semantics to run on other Hadoop compatible file systems.

HADOOP-18671将许多HDFS特定的API移动到HADOOP Common,使某些依赖HDFS语义的应用程序能够在其他HADOOP兼容的文件系统上运行。

In particular, recoverLease() and isFileClosed() are exposed through LeaseRecoverable interface, while setSafeMode() is exposed through SafeMode interface.


Users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes (opens new window) since release 3.3.5. For details of 117 bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements since the previous 3.3.5 release, please check release notes (opens new window) and changelog (opens new window).


# 2023 Mar 22【2023年3月22日】

Release 3.3.5 available (opens new window)

This is a release of Apache Hadoop 3.3 line.

Key changes include

  • A big update of dependencies to try and keep those reports of transitive CVEs under control -both genuine and false positives.
  • Critical fix to ABFS input stream prefetching for correct reading.
  • Vectored IO API for all FSDataInputStream implementations, with high-performance versions for file:// and s3a:// filesystems. file:// through java native IO s3a:// parallel GET requests.
  • Arm64 binaries. Note, because the arm64 release was on a different platform, the jar files may not match those of the x86 release -and therefore the maven artifacts.
  • Security fixes in Hadoop’s own code.

Users of Apache Hadoop 3.3.4 and earlier should upgrade to this release.

All users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes (opens new window) since release 3.3.4.

For details of bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements since the previous 3.3.4 release, please check release notes (opens new window) and changelog (opens new window).

# Azure ABFS: Critical Stream Prefetch Fix

The ABFS connector has a critical bug fix https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-18546: ABFS. Disable purging list of in-progress reads in abfs stream close().

All users of the abfs connector in hadoop releases 3.3.2+ MUST either upgrade to this release or disable prefetching by setting fs.azure.readaheadqueue.depth to 0.

# 2022 Aug 8【2022年8月8日】

Release 3.3.4 available (opens new window)

This is a release of Apache Hadoop 3.3 line.

It contains a small number security and critical integration fixes since 3.3.3.

Users of Apache Hadoop 3.3.3 should upgrade to this release.

Users of hadoop 2.x and hadoop 3.2 should also upgrade to the 3.3.x line. As well as feature enhancements, this is the sole branch currently receiving fixes for anything other than critical security/data integrity issues.

Users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes (opens new window) since release 3.3.3. For details of bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements since the previous 3.3.3 release, please check release notes (opens new window) and changelog (opens new window).

# 2022 Jul 22【2022年7月22日】

Release 3.2.4 available (opens new window)

This is the third stable release of Apache Hadoop 3.2 line.

It contains 153 bug fixes, improvements and enhancements since 3.2.3.

Users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes (opens new window) since 3.2.3. For details of 153 bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements since the previous 3.2.3 release, please check release notes (opens new window) and changelog (opens new window).

Release archive → (opens new window)【发布存档】

News archive → (opens new window)新闻档案

Last Updated: 7/27/2024, 11:59:26 AM